All about me, Sivani
We have the pleasure of welcoming a new volunteer to William Lench Court, Sivani. Whilst here she will be helping residents with arts and craft activities every week. I managed to chat up with Sivani and this is what she had to say:
My name is Sivani Kumar and I am a 22 year old Supported Intern at Queen Alexandra College. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I am visually impaired which means I cannot see very well. I may bump into furniture or objects and things on the floor.
My condition
I would also like to let you know that I am colour blind. This means I can only see in black and white, so when you are working with me please do not ask me to pass any colours, for example do not ask me to hand you a red pen as I will be unable to identify the colour. I also use a long white cane which helps me navigate safely when I am out and about or in unfamiliar places.
How to communicate with me
I would also like to inform you that if you would like to get my attention, please address me by calling my name, Sivani. Please try and use verbal communication when talking to me. I sometimes talk very fast. If that is the case, please ask me to slow down and to speak slowly or repeat what I have said.
My likes
I like to drink hot chocolate. My favourite food is curry and in my spare time I like to listen to music and chat to my friends on social media.
Why I am here at William Lench Court
My job here is to help the residents with arts and craft activities every Thursday morning. I am looking forward to working with you all.
About Queen Alexandra College (QAC)
The QAC is a specialist College that provides support to people that are visually impaired as well as offering education, support and guidance for students that are on the autism spectrum, those with moderate to severe learning difficulties and students with physical and other disabilities. I encourage you to read more about the QAC here:
Image of Queen Alexandra College